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Elizabeth Francis Turns 115, Shares Timeless Wisdom for a Long Life.

Elizabeth Francis Turns 115, Shares Timeless Wisdom for a Long Life.
  • PublishedAugust 27, 2024

Elizabeth Francis, celebrated as the oldest living person in the United States, has reached an extraordinary milestone—her 115th birthday. With a lifetime spanning historic events from World War I to the sinking of the Titanic, Francis has become a symbol of resilience and longevity.

Now the fourth-oldest person in the world, according to The Guardian, Francis’s remarkable journey began in 1909 in St Mary Parish, Louisiana. She has witnessed monumental changes throughout her life, including the Great Depression, the advent of airplanes, and the presidencies of 20 leaders, from William Howard Taft to Joe Biden.

Despite the many trials she has faced, Francis remains remarkably composed. Ben Meyers, CEO of LongeviQuest, affectionately refers to her as “America’s grandmother,” noting her unwavering spirit.

In a recent interview with the Washington Post, Francis shared her singular piece of advice for a fulfilling life: “Speak your mind and don’t hold your tongue.” This advice reflects her own approach to life—one marked by candidness and authenticity.

Francis has lived a vibrant life, raising her 95-year-old daughter as a single mother, running a coffee shop in Houston, and preferring walking over driving. Now, she enjoys her days with her daughter, sharing moments of joy and laughter while watching classic television shows like ‘Good Times’ and ‘The Jeffersons.’

Elizabeth Francis’s life is a testament to enduring vitality and wisdom, offering valuable lessons for all.

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