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Experts Weigh In: Does Acne Slow Down the Ageing Process?

Experts Weigh In: Does Acne Slow Down the Ageing Process?
  • PublishedJuly 20, 2024

Acne, a common skin condition affecting millions worldwide, has recently sparked discussions on social media regarding its potential anti-ageing benefits. Sungjemlila Longkumer, an Indian skinfluencer, claimed in an Instagram Reel that people with acne age slower. This assertion has garnered attention, with experts divided on its validity.

Dr. Sahithi Konidena, founder of Prime Derm Skin and Hair Clinic in Hyderabad, supports the notion, citing research indicating that individuals with acne have longer telomeres. Telomeres, DNA structures predictive of biological ageing, shrink as cells age. Longer telomeres in acne sufferers suggest delayed ageing. Dr. Neha Khuraana from the House of Aesthetics in Delhi concurs, highlighting the relevance of this finding for the Indian population, where approximately 80% of teens experience acne.

However, skepticism remains. Dr. Akanksha Sanghvi, founder of Oprava Aesthetics in Mumbai, argues that there is insufficient scientific evidence linking acne to slower ageing. She emphasizes that acne is primarily related to hormonal changes and inflammation, distinct from ageing processes like cellular senescence and DNA damage. Dr. Simrat Sandhu from Cosmetique, The Aesthetic Centre in Amritsar, acknowledges some truth in the research but cautions against overstating the benefits of acne.

Dr. Shareefa Chause, a Mumbai-based dermatologist, underscores the complexity of ageing, influenced by genetics, UV exposure, pollution, and lifestyle choices. She advises those with acne to adopt healthy habits and a consistent skincare routine to maintain youthful skin.

While the debate continues, experts agree that understanding the long-term effects of acne on ageing requires further research.

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