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Earth’s Heat Wave: 12 Months at 1.5°C Above Pre-Industrial Average

Earth’s Heat Wave: 12 Months at 1.5°C Above Pre-Industrial Average
  • PublishedJuly 8, 2024

Recent data from the Copernicus Climate Change Service reveals a sobering milestone: the Earth has experienced 12 consecutive months of temperatures surpassing 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, marking a profound shift in global climate patterns. This unprecedented heat streak, culminating in June 2024 as the hottest June on record, underscores a persistent warming trend that poses severe risks.

Carlo Buontempo, director of Copernicus, emphasizes that while this streak may end, the trajectory of global temperatures remains alarming. He stresses the inevitability of continued temperature records unless greenhouse gas emissions cease.

Aditi Mukherji, a CGIAR director and IPCC co-author, describes the impacts of this warming as increasingly dire, likening 1.5°C of heating to a significant fever for the planet, adversely affecting ecosystems and intensifying extreme weather events. The IPCC’s findings indicate that coral reefs face devastating losses, with 1.5°C of warming threatening 70-90% mortality rates.

François Gemenne, IPCC author, urges proactive adaptation strategies, recognizing that even slight temperature increases significantly affect local climates and require robust preparedness measures.

As global leaders strive to mitigate climate change, the urgency to halt greenhouse gas emissions becomes ever more critical, with each fraction of a degree in temperature rise amplifying risks to ecosystems and human well-being.

Heat Wave Continues: Earth’s Temperature Hits Record Highs for 12 Months Straight

In a startling climate update, Copernicus reports that the Earth has endured 12 consecutive months with temperatures surpassing 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. The implications are profound, with June 2024 emerging as the hottest June on record, underscoring an ongoing climate crisis demanding immediate action.

Experts warn that these record temperatures, driven by greenhouse gas emissions, escalate the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events worldwide. The persistence of such heat poses existential threats to ecosystems, including devastating impacts on tropical coral reefs.

Looking ahead, global efforts to curb emissions and bolster adaptation measures are crucial. Each incremental rise in temperature presents significant challenges, necessitating adaptive strategies to mitigate the worst effects of climate change.

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