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Teachers Demand Action on Delayed UGC 7th Pay Scale Implementation

Teachers Demand Action on Delayed UGC 7th Pay Scale Implementation
  • PublishedJune 12, 2024

Teachers of aided colleges in Punjab express growing frustration over the state government’s failure to implement the University Grants Commission (UGC) 7th pay scale, promised to be effective from October 1, 2022. Despite an official announcement by the Department of Higher Education on September 29, 2022, teachers have yet to receive their revised salaries.

The fixation process, requiring verification of teachers against aided posts by college managements and approval from the Directorate of Public Instruction (DPI) Colleges (Punjab), has faced significant delays. Varun Goel, an executive member of the Central Committee of Punjab and Chandigarh College Teachers’ Union (PCCTU), revealed that many cases are pending at the DPI office without explanation or progress. Despite filing Right to Information (RTI) requests and submitting representations, no substantial response has been received.

PU Senator Jagwant Singh highlighted that some college managing committees are unwilling to forward cases due to the financial burden, suggesting that the government should have enforced the revised pay scale claims after March 2023. PCCTU district president Chamkaur Singh criticized the slow departmental process, emphasizing that the official announcement in 2022 should have been implemented by the following year.

Amrit Singh, Director of Higher Education, did not respond to inquiries. However, Deputy Director Ashwani Bhalla provided some insights, stating that only two deputy controllers of finance and accounts are available, clearing 4-5 cases daily. Bhalla assured that the process has not halted and remaining cases will be addressed soon. The ongoing delay has caused significant resentment among the teaching fraternity, who demand timely resolution and fulfillment of the government’s promises.

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Team Gabruu