Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal has alleged a long-standing “nexus” between the Congress and BJP as tensions rise within the Opposition’s INDIA bloc ahead of the Delhi elections. Responding to Congress MP Rahul Gandhi’s criticism of AAP over corruption, Kejriwal stated, “I said just one line about Rahul Gandhi, and the BJP is responding. Perhaps this election will expose the ‘jugalbandi’ between Congress and BJP.”
The rift began after Gandhi accused Kejriwal at the ‘Jai Bhim-Jai Samvidhan’ event of failing to deliver on promises of reducing corruption and inflation, drawing parallels between him and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Kejriwal dismissed the comments, asserting his focus is on saving the country, while BJP IT Cell chief Amit Malviya mockingly advised Kejriwal to “worry about saving the New Delhi seat first.”
Kejriwal, contesting his fourth term from the New Delhi constituency, faces tough competition from Parvesh Verma (BJP) and Sandeep Dikshit (Congress), sons of former Chief Ministers.
This political sparring underscores growing fissures within the INDIA bloc, with AAP threatening to reconsider its alliance with Congress. Kejriwal’s comments mark a shift, as he previously refrained from directly criticizing the Gandhis.
As Delhi’s triangular contest heats up, the AAP-Congress feud risks derailing the bloc’s unity and reshaping the political narrative.