Former Indian cricketer and father of Yuvraj Singh, Yograj Singh, has made a startling disclosure about his playing days during a recent interview on the YouTube channel ‘Unfiltered by Samdish.’ Yograj, who represented India in one Test and six ODIs during 1980-81, revealed that he once contemplated a violent confrontation with Kapil Dev, India’s then-captain, after being dropped from the team.
In a candid recounting, Yograj disclosed how he visited Kapil’s residence with a pistol, driven by anger and frustration. However, his intentions changed upon encountering Kapil’s mother. “I told him, ‘I want to put a bullet through your head, but I am not doing it because of your very pious mother standing here,’” Yograj said.
The cricketer also shared his grievances against Bishan Singh Bedi, then the chief selector, accusing him of deliberately excluding him from the team. Yograj alleged that Bedi and others plotted against him due to his association with Sunil Gavaskar and his cricketing ties to Mumbai.
Reflecting on the incident, Yograj expressed how the experience led him to abandon his cricket career and shift focus toward grooming his son, Yuvraj Singh, to achieve greatness in the sport.
Yograj’s revelations have sparked intense reactions in the cricketing community, reopening discussions about selection politics and personal rivalries in Indian cricket’s history.