Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal launched a scathing attack on the BJP and Congress on Saturday, accusing them of attempting to derail AAP’s welfare schemes ahead of the Delhi Assembly elections. Kejriwal’s remarks came after Delhi’s Lieutenant Governor ordered an investigation into the party’s proposed welfare programs following a complaint filed by Congress leader Sandeep Dikshit.
Addressing the media, Kejriwal alleged that BJP, lacking the courage to act directly, had used Congress to file the complaint. He criticized both parties for trying to prevent AAP’s initiatives for women and the elderly, including a Rs 2,100 monthly stipend for eligible women and free treatment for senior citizens above 60 years of age. Kejriwal claimed that these schemes had received overwhelming public support, which made BJP nervous.
Refuting the allegations, Kejriwal emphasized that these welfare schemes were electoral promises, not implemented programs, and therefore should not be subject to investigation. He also accused BJP of sending “goons” to disrupt AAP’s registration camps and using the Delhi Police to halt the registration process.
Kejriwal urged Delhi residents to continue supporting the schemes and assured them that he would fight for their rights, even if it meant going to jail again. With the Delhi Assembly elections approaching, the political climate has intensified, with both sides ramping up their campaigns.