The family of actor-model Malaika Arora is deeply saddened to announce the passing of her father, Anil Mehta, aged 62. Mehta tragically passed away on September 11, 2024, after sustaining multiple injuries from a fall at his residence in Bandra’s Almeida Park area.
According to police sources, Mehta jumped from the sixth floor of the building “Ayesha Manor,” where he resided with his wife. Despite immediate medical attention and being rushed to a nearby hospital, Mehta was pronounced dead by the attending doctors. The autopsy conducted later in the evening at Mumbai’s Bhabha Hospital confirmed that the cause of death was due to multiple injuries.
In an official statement released by Malaika Arora on Instagram, the family expressed their profound grief: “We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of our dear father, Anil Mehta. He was a gentle soul, a devoted grandfather, a loving husband, and our best friend. Our family is in deep shock over this loss, and we kindly request privacy from the media and well-wishers during this difficult time. We appreciate your understanding, support, and respect.”
The last rites of Anil Mehta will be performed today at a crematorium in Santacruz, Mumbai. The family has requested privacy as they navigate this incredibly challenging time.