Bollywood actor Aparshakti Khurana, currently enjoying the success of his recent horror-comedy Stree 2, recently shared a disheartening experience from one of his previous film projects. In an interview with India Today’s sister channel Lallantop, Khurana recalled how he was intentionally excluded from the trailer launch of a film due to the lead actor’s insistence.
Despite having flown in from Amritsar specifically for the event, Khurana was informed just three minutes before the launch that he would not be called on stage. “Without naming the actor, I did a film that was amazing on set. Everyone performed well, and the film was well-received. However, at the trailer launch, the lead actor told the producer not to let me be on stage,” Khurana recounted.
Khurana waited backstage, dressed up and ready, expecting a last-minute invitation that never came. “I waited for 10, 20, 30 minutes, but the trailer launch was over, and people had already left,” he added. This incident highlighted the often-unseen challenges faced by supporting actors in the film industry.
Aparshakti Khurana, who made his acting debut in the 2016 blockbuster Dangal, has since appeared in films such as Badrinath Ki Dulhania, Luka Chuppi, Pati Patni Aur Woh, Bhediya, and Stree 2. He is set to appear next in the ZEE5 film Berlin alongside Rahul Bose.