Bollywood icon Karisma Kapoor, who dominated the silver screen in the ’90s with her style, dance moves, and unforgettable roles, is set to take audiences on a nostalgic journey in an upcoming episode of ‘India’s Best Dancer.’ Currently serving as a judge on the popular dance reality show, Karisma will recreate 33 of her most iconic hook steps from chart-topping hits like ‘Le Gayi’ and ‘Koi Ladki Hai’ from the film Dil To Pagal Hai.
In a special episode dedicated to Karisma, the actor will perform alongside the contestants, reliving the magic of her memorable dance numbers. The promo, shared by Sony Entertainment Television, showcases Karisma effortlessly recreating her legendary moves, leaving the audience and her co-judges in awe. Choreographer and judge Geeta Kapur praised her performance, calling it “iconic.”
The episode will also feature heartwarming tributes, including a special message from Karisma’s younger sister, actor Kareena Kapoor. In an emotional video, Kareena expressed her deep admiration for Karisma, calling her an “icon” and “the biggest female superstar of the ’90s.” She added, “The reason why I’m Kareena Kapoor is because of Karisma Kapoor.”
Karisma, visibly moved by the tribute, responded with heartfelt words, describing Kareena as her “first daughter” and expressing her pride and maternal affection.
The special episode celebrating Karisma Kapoor will air on Sony TV this weekend, promising an unforgettable experience for fans.