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Missing Pittsburgh Teen Found in Adult Jail After Lying About Age and Identity.

Missing Pittsburgh Teen Found in Adult Jail After Lying About Age and Identity.
  • PublishedSeptember 5, 2024

A 13-year-old girl from the Pittsburgh area, reported missing early last month, was found in an adult jail in Beaver County after she misled authorities about her age and identity. The teen, who was arrested for shoplifting in Beaver Falls on August 17, provided a false name and birthdate, leading authorities to believe she was 18.

The young girl, who had been missing since August 6, was housed with adult inmates until someone at the Beaver County jail recognized her as the missing teenager. Once identified, she was immediately separated from the adult population. Her parents were notified, and they quickly arrived to pick her up. The charges against her have since been transferred to juvenile court.

Beaver County District Attorney Nate Bible stated that the girl initially claimed to be homeless and repeatedly misled officers about her identity, complicating efforts to return her to her family. Despite contacting child services agencies in Beaver and Allegheny Counties, authorities were unable to verify her identity due to the false information provided.

This incident underscores the importance of thorough verification processes in the justice system to prevent such situations. Authorities are reviewing the procedures that allowed a minor to be placed in an adult facility.

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