Zodiac sign based on the tarot card readings for August 29, 2024:

Aries (Knight of Cups):

A misunderstanding might lead to disputes with loved ones; stay calm and hear the other side. Be open to unexpected opportunities in business or personal life, which could bring significant financial gains or even a new romance. Confidence is key—your hard work is about to pay off with possible promotions or new job prospects.

Taurus (The Star):

A fresh job offer is on the horizon, but you must shift your mindset away from negativity. Balance is crucial in all aspects of life. You have strong support from family and friends to start a new venture, so don’t shy away from taking bold steps forward.

Gemini (Seven of Swords):

Be cautious in your workplace, especially with overly friendly colleagues. Avoid rushing decisions or getting involved in disputes. Exercise patience and thoroughness in your work. If considering a marriage proposal, take the time to evaluate it carefully.

Cancer (Strength):

You’ve faced challenging times, but now things are turning in your favor. This period tests your courage, patience, and determination. Career opportunities are coming your way—choose wisely. Stay away from negativity and practice the art of silence to achieve inner peace and wisdom.

Leo (Judgement):

Health requires attention, and careless habits could be affecting your professional and personal life. A surprising business opportunity from a friend might excite you, but avoid conflicts and stay cautious of those who speak ill behind your back. Privacy is key—keep personal matters to yourself.

Virgo (Ten of Swords):

Betrayal from an unexpected source may deeply affect you, but this is not the time to retreat. Face the situation with resilience. Financial losses in business can be overcome with patience, and support from loved ones will help you recover and find new opportunities.

Libra (The Devil):

Regret over past stubbornness in personal matters is causing dissatisfaction. Be cautious of colleagues who may try to tarnish your image. Think carefully before accepting any new romantic proposals, especially from younger individuals, as they may not have genuine intentions.

Scorpio (The Lovers):

Misunderstandings in relationships will clear up, leading to deeper connections. A business partnership opportunity may arise, and career prospects look favorable. Stay away from selfish people who may not have your best interests at heart.

Sagittarius (Ace of Swords):

Your innovative ideas and clarity will attract attention. Good news about a desired job or financial support for a new business is likely. Balance your generosity with practicality, and stay firm in your decisions. Life feels renewed, and foreign travel may soon be in the cards.

Capricorn (King of Swords):

Changes at work could create tension. Your firm approach may be causing distance with family members. Embrace a more inclusive and flexible attitude. Stay humble, avoid conflicts, and strive for calmness and gentleness in your interactions.

Aquarius (Judgment):

Lack of support from others may mean going solo in new business ventures. Beware of lost items and gossip at work. Consider searching for a new job if current conditions aren’t favorable. Proceed with caution and patience.

Pisces (The Hanged Man):

Indecision is holding you back. Shift your perspective to resolve dilemmas and make positive strides towards new job opportunities. Approach tasks with a fresh mindset rather than clinging to outdated methods. Determination in the face of challenges will lead to success.

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