Gen Z’s Shift Towards Healthier Choices May Signal Decline in Soft Drink Consumption in India

A recent study by Mintel reveals a significant shift among Gen Z in India towards healthier lifestyle choices, including a decline in the consumption of soft drinks. This change in dietary habits is attributed to a growing awareness of health risks associated with sugary beverages and a preference for natural alternatives.

According to the study, 33% of Gen Z are prioritizing a healthy diet and proper sleep over skincare products. This shift is evident in the decreasing popularity of carbonated soft drinks, which are high in added sugars linked to health issues like obesity, insulin resistance, and heart disease. Dr. Paparao Nadakuduru, a physician at Citizens Specialty Hospital in Hyderabad, notes that younger consumers are increasingly avoiding soft drinks due to their health risks.

Dietitian Ridhima Khamersa highlights the influence of social media and wellness influencers in promoting sugar-free lifestyles. Challenges like no-sugar months, popularized by social media, have further encouraged Gen Z to choose healthier beverages.

While soft drink prices have dropped, likely due to reduced demand, new alternatives like flavored water, kombucha, and low-sugar drinks are gaining popularity. However, there is concern over the rise of energy drinks, which can pose serious health risks including heart problems and high blood pressure.

The trend towards healthier choices among Gen Z could mark the beginning of a decline in soft drink consumption in India, reflecting broader changes in dietary preferences and health consciousness.

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