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Australia Stands Firm Against China’s ‘One China’ Narrative, Rejects UN Resolution 2758 Interpretation

Australia Stands Firm Against China’s ‘One China’ Narrative, Rejects UN Resolution 2758 Interpretation
  • PublishedAugust 22, 2024

Tensions between China and Australia have escalated after the Australian Senate passed a resolution on August 21, rejecting Beijing’s interpretation of UN Resolution 2758 concerning Taiwan’s status. The resolution, spearheaded by Senators David Fawcett and Deborah O’Neill, challenges China’s longstanding use of the 1971 UN resolution to bolster its ‘One China’ narrative, which claims Taiwan as a mere province of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

The Australian Senate clarified that UN Resolution 2758, which transferred the UN seat from the Republic of China (Taiwan) to the PRC, pertains only to representation within the global body and does not address the political status of Taiwan. This stance directly opposes China’s narrative, which it has used to coerce smaller nations into supporting its claims over Taiwan.

Senator O’Neill emphasized Taiwan’s role as a key Indo-Pacific democracy and a crucial partner for Australia, while Senator Fawcett warned that China’s distortion of the UN resolution undermines the integrity of the United Nations and threatens the rules-based international order. Other senators echoed these sentiments, linking the issue to broader regional security concerns and condemning China’s aggressive actions towards Taiwan.

This resolution comes in the wake of Australia’s involvement in the broader 2758 initiative, which seeks to counter China’s misinterpretation of the UN resolution and advocate for Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international organizations. China’s official response is expected soon, but the move has already deepened diplomatic tensions between the two nations.

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Team Gabruu