In a significant theft in Ayodhya, around 3,800 bamboo lights and 36 gobo projector lights, valued at over ₹50 lakh, have gone missing from the newly constructed Ram Path and Bhakti Path. The theft, which was discovered by a contractor from Yash Enterprises and Krishna Automobiles, was reported to the police on August 9, months after the lights were last seen in March.
The lights were part of a larger installation of 6,400 bamboo lights and 96 gobo projectors commissioned by the Ayodhya Development Authority to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the sacred paths leading to the Ram Janmabhoomi temple. The theft was discovered during a routine inspection on May 9, but the FIR was only lodged three months later.
Shekhar Sharma, a representative of the contractor firm, stated in his complaint that the lights were intact as of March 19, but by the time of the inspection in May, a significant number were missing. Despite the delay in reporting, the theft has now prompted a police investigation, though authorities have remained tight-lipped about the progress of the case.
This incident has raised concerns about security in the area, especially as Ayodhya continues to develop as a major religious and cultural hub. The missing lights, intended to illuminate the sacred paths, highlight a lapse in security, with the investigation now underway to recover the stolen property and identify those responsible.