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Navy Seeks International Specialists to Salvage Sunken INS Brahmaputra

Navy Seeks International Specialists to Salvage Sunken INS Brahmaputra
  • PublishedAugust 5, 2024

The Indian Navy has launched an urgent international appeal for salvage specialists to assist in the recovery of INS Brahmaputra, following severe damage from a fire on July 21. The incident occurred during a refit at the Naval Dockyard in Mumbai, resulting in the ship tilting severely to its port side.

The fire caused substantial damage and led to significant water accumulation during firefighting efforts. Tragically, the incident also claimed the life of a junior sailor. INS Brahmaputra, a 24-year-old warship with a distinguished service record as part of the Western Fleet, was in the final stages of refit before returning to operational status.

A Board of Inquiry, headed by a 2-star Naval officer, has been convened to investigate the cause of the fire. Simultaneously, the Navy has initiated salvage operations to restore the ship. Preliminary assessments suggest it could take between six months to over a year for INS Brahmaputra to be fully operational after damage evaluation.

The process to upright and assess the ship is expected to take approximately 2-3 months. The Navy is collaborating with specialized foreign agencies to estimate the losses and plan the recovery.

Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Dinesh K Tripathi visited the site on July 23, reviewing the incident and the recovery plans. He mandated immediate actions to restore INS Brahmaputra’s combat readiness.

A Special Task Force, led by a Rear Admiral, has been formed to audit and enhance safety and security procedures within the Navy. This task force will coordinate closely with Naval Headquarters to ensure all necessary measures are implemented.

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Team Gabruu