In a heated Lok Sabha session, Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi accused BJP MP Anurag Thakur of “insulting and abusing” him during a discussion on the Union Budget. Thakur made a contentious remark, implying that those who talk about the caste census are often unaware of their own caste. Gandhi responded sharply, reiterating his commitment to a nationwide caste census if the INDIA bloc comes to power.
Thakur later clarified that he hadn’t named anyone specifically, stating, “I had said that someone who doesn’t know about caste talks about census. I did not name anyone.” Despite this, Gandhi accused Thakur of targeting him, asserting, “Whoever raises the issues of Adivasi, Dalit, and the backward, is abused. I will happily accept these abuses…Anurag Thakur has abused me and insulted me. But I do not want any apology from him.”
The exchange highlights the contentious nature of the caste census, a key promise of the Congress party in the 2024 general elections. Gandhi described the census as an “X-ray of India,” arguing that it would provide crucial data on the country’s backward, Dalit, and tribal populations. The BJP, however, accuses the Congress of attempting to divide the nation along caste lines.