A damning inquiry report by Delhi chief secretary Naresh Kumar has highlighted serious lapses at Rau’s IAS Study Circle, leading to the tragic deaths of three civil services aspirants—Shreya Yadav, Tanya Soni, and Nevin Dalwin. The students drowned in the basement of the coaching centre in Old Rajinder Nagar after heavy rains flooded the area.
Key findings of the report reveal that the institute had blocked the drainage system, leaving no provision for water to escape. The building’s parking area, directly exposed to the road, became a water trap during the downpour. The report noted a lack of vigilance by the security staff, allowing water to flow uninterruptedly into the basement.
The area’s geography further exacerbated the situation; the road from Shankar Road to Pusa Road forms a saucer shape, with its lowest point in front of the institute. This led to significant water accumulation, worsened by passing vehicles, which caused splashes and pushed more water towards the building.
Additionally, property owners had covered drainage openings with granites and other materials, preventing effective water drainage. The report suggests these modifications left no scope for maintenance, contributing to the flooding.
In response, the Centre has formed a committee to investigate the incident, assign responsibility, and recommend policy changes. The probe aims to prevent such tragedies in the future and address the chronic waterlogging issues in the area.