The highly-anticipated trailer of the upcoming Punjabi-Haryanvi cross-cultural film, “Kudi Haryane Val Di / Chori Haryane Aali,” was unveiled in Mumbai amidst much fanfare. Lead stars Ammy Virk and Sonam Bajwa, along with seasoned actors Yashpal Sharma, Yograj Singh, and Ajay Hooda, graced the event, alongside writer-director Rakesh Dhawan and producers Pawan Gill and Aman Gill.
Breaking new ground, this film presents a unique concept by releasing with two titles in Punjabi and Haryanvi, aiming to captivate a broader audience beyond the Punjabi-speaking regions. The trailer promises a delightful blend of comedy and romance suitable for viewers of all ages and backgrounds.
Sonam Bajwa’s portrayal of a Haryanvi character, coupled with her impeccable dialogue delivery, adds a fresh dynamic to the film, effortlessly complementing Ammy Virk’s charismatic Punjabi jatt persona. With Yograj Singh causing mayhem on screen and Yashpal Sharma essaying the role of a stern Haryanvi father, the stage is set for a rollercoaster ride of emotions and laughter.
Helmed by Rakesh Dhawan, the creative genius behind blockbuster hits like “Honsla Rakh” and “Chal Mera Putt,” and produced by the team behind successful Punjabi and Hindi films, including “Shadaa” and “Jersey,” “Kudi Haryane Val Di / Chori Haryane Aali” promises to captivate audiences worldwide. Scheduled for a global release on June 14, 2024, this cross-cultural extravaganza is poised to set the screens ablaze with its vibrant storytelling and stellar performances.