Former Haryana Chief Minister, Manohar Lal Khattar, expressed confidence amidst the political upheaval in the state, assuring that several MLAs are in contact with the ruling party. Despite three independent legislators withdrawing their support, Khattar maintained that the ongoing Lok Sabha elections would not be significantly affected. Addressing concerns about the party’s stability, Khattar emphasized that there was no cause for worry amidst the changing political dynamics.
Khattar, who is contesting the Lok Sabha polls from the Karnal constituency, affirmed the BJP’s resilience in the face of challenges. The withdrawal of support from the independent MLAs had left the BJP-led government in Haryana in a minority, prompting speculation about its future. However, Khattar’s statements sought to reassure supporters and project confidence in the party’s ability to navigate through the crisis.
The political landscape in Haryana has witnessed shifts, with alliances being reevaluated ahead of both Lok Sabha and assembly elections. The BJP, which had secured a majority in the state in 2014 and formed a coalition with the Jannayak Janta Party (JJP) in 2019, faces renewed challenges. As the state prepares for elections, Khattar’s words serve as a reminder of the party’s determination to weather the storm and emerge victorious.