A devastating incident occurred on Friday as a boat carrying approximately 50 passengers capsized in the Mahanadi river within Odisha’s Jharsuguda district. Regrettably, four individuals have been confirmed dead, while seven remain missing.
The boat, en route from Bargarh district’s Bandhipali area, encountered turbulent waters midway, leading to the tragic incident near Saradha Ghat in Jharsuguda. Prompt rescue efforts by the Odisha Disaster Rapid Action Force (ODRAF) alongside local authorities have successfully rescued 48 individuals.
District Collector Kartikeya Goyal assured ongoing efforts for the safe return of those rescued to their respective villages. Despite the challenging nighttime conditions, search operations persist with the assistance of well-trained divers equipped with night light apparatus.
Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has announced an ex-gratia amount of Rs 4 lakh for the families of the deceased, acknowledging the severity of the situation.
Allegations regarding the boat’s operation without a valid license and overcrowding will be thoroughly investigated, as confirmed by district authorities.