Kapil Sharma, famed for his comedic prowess, showcased his spiritual side during Navratri by visiting the Vaishno Devi temple with his family. Accompanied by his wife Ginny Chatrath and children Anayra and Trishaan, the actor-comedian was seen entering the temple premises in a viral video. He also serenaded devotees with the bhajan “Tune Mujhe Bulaya Sherawaliye,” originally sung by Narendra Chanchal.
Donning a printed kurta-pyjama, Kapil warmly greeted fellow devotees with chants of ‘Jai Mata Di.’ His wife and daughter walked beside him, reflecting the family’s devoutness towards Goddess Vaishno Devi. Earlier in March 2024, Kapil and Ginny organized a jagran (religious gathering) at their residence, further showcasing their reverence.
In addition to his spiritual endeavors, Kapil Sharma has returned to the comedy scene with his new show, “The Great Indian Kapil Show.” The series, streaming on Netflix, boasts a star-studded guest list including Ranbir Kapoor, Diljit Dosanjh, and Rohit Sharma. Notably, the show marks the reunion of Kapil and Sunil Grover, stirring excitement among fans. With an ensemble cast featuring Rajiv Thakur, Kiku Sharda, Archana Puran Singh, and Krushna Abhishek, Kapil continues to captivate audiences with his wit and charm.
From his rise to fame in “The Great Indian Laughter Challenge Season 3” to his acting ventures in films like “Kis Kisko Pyaar Karoon” and “Firangi,” Kapil Sharma’s journey remains an inspiring tale of talent and perseverance in the entertainment industry.