During the third Test between India and England in Rajkot, umpire Joel Wilson imposed a five-run penalty against India for the second time in the match for running on the middle of the pitch. The incident occurred during the 102nd over of India’s innings on Day 2 when Ravichandran Ashwin breached the ‘protected area’ of the pitch while attempting a single. Despite Ashwin’s attempts to argue his case, the umpire stood firm on the decision, signaling five penalty runs against India.
The ‘protected area’ is defined as a rectangle on the pitch, and running through its middle is considered an attempt to damage the pitch. On Day 1, Ravindra Jadeja received the first warning for the same offense. Ashwin’s repeat offense on Day 2 resulted in a five-run penalty, affecting the start of England’s innings but not deducting from India’s total.
Running through the middle of the pitch is prohibited to prevent damage to the central part of the pitch where most deliveries land. Each breach in the first innings by Indian batters may lead to additional five-run penalties for England. The rule aims to uphold the integrity of the playing surface and ensure fair conditions for both teams.