Renowned Punjabi actor Gippy Grewal is set to release the third installment of the beloved ‘Ardaas’ franchise, titled ‘Ardaas Sarbat De Bhale Di.’ The film, featuring Gippy Grewal himself alongside Jasmin Bhasin, Gurpreet Guggi, and Prince Kanwaljeet Singh, is produced by a stellar team including Gippy Grewal, Kumar Mangat Pathak, Ravneet Kaur Grewal, Abhishek Pathak, and Divay Dhamija.
‘Ardaas’ holds a special place in Gippy’s heart, marking his directorial debut and gaining immense love from audiences. Expressing his sentiment, Gippy stated, “Ardaas is very close to my heart because I became a director with this film. Audiences have shown a lot of love for the franchise, and I feel a special responsibility to provide them with a film that will entertain and resonate with them. For me, it’s an emotion, not a film.”
Kumar Mangat Pathak, Chairman of Panorama Studios, praised Gippy Grewal’s multifaceted talent, citing their successful collaboration. ‘Ardaas Sarbat De Bhale Di’ continues the tradition of socially relevant family drama seen in the previous installments.
As fans anticipate the release of ‘Warning 2’ on February 2, Gippy Grewal keeps ‘Carry on Jattiye’ in his upcoming projects, featuring an ensemble cast including Jasmin Bhasin, Sunil Grover, and Sargun Mehta. With Gippy’s commitment to quality content, Punjabi cinema continues to make its mark globally.