In a significant development, the Punjab and Haryana High Court, in its recent ruling, has quashed three suspension orders issued against Inspector General of Police (IGP) Paramraj Singh Umranangal. The suspension orders were dated February 26, 2019; November 20, 2020, and March 22, 2021, respectively. Umranangal, an accused in the 2015 police firing cases following sacrilege incidents, had challenged these orders on the grounds that the service rules mandate a review within 60 days, failing which the suspension shall be deemed revoked.
Umranangal had previously approached the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) seeking relief against the suspension orders, but his plea was dismissed on February 1, 2023. Undeterred, he subsequently moved the Punjab and Haryana High Court, filing a petition on February 15, 2023.
The bench comprising Justice Sureshwar Thakur and Justice Sudeepti Sharma, after careful consideration, allowed Umranangal’s plea against the CAT orders. Gauravjit Singh Patwalia, counsel for Umranangal, confirmed the court’s decision and mentioned that the detailed judgment is yet to be made available.
The initial suspension order on February 26, 2019, came after Umranangal’s arrest in connection with the Kotkapura firing incident. The incidents at Behbal Kalan, Bargari, and Burj Jawahar Singh Wala in 2015 resulted in casualties and injuries among protesters.
The high court’s decision marks a significant legal victory for Umranangal, emphasizing the adherence to procedural rules in dealing with suspension orders. The detailed judgment is anticipated to provide further insights into the court’s rationale for quashing the orders.