In an escalating demonstration of solidarity, hundreds of farmers and supporters of social media influencer Bhana Sidhu converged near the residence of Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann in Sangrur. Expressing vehement opposition to Sidhu’s arrest by Mohali police on charges of extortion, threats, and verbal abuse directed at the owner of an immigration firm, protesters blocked the crucial Bathinda-Chandigarh national highway. The impassioned crowd staged a sit-in, denouncing the Punjab Police and demanding Sidhu’s immediate release.
Despite stringent security measures converting the entire district into a fortress, the protesters managed to reach within a few kilometers of the Chief Minister’s residence. The demonstration prompted the intervention of ADGP (Law and Order) GS Dhillon and Patiala Range DIG HS Bhullar. ADGP Dhillon assured that the situation was under control but warned of potential action if protesters deviated from legal avenues.
In a bid to quell the unrest, prominent farmer leaders Ruldu Singh Mansa of Sanyukt Kisan Morcha and Kaka Singh Kokda of BKU Siddhupur were prevented from joining the protest. Additional preemptive measures saw the detainment of others heading towards the protest site.
The arrest of Bhana Sidhu on Monday has sparked widespread outrage, leading to this show of solidarity by farmers and supporters. As tensions escalate, the Punjab Police remains vigilant, emphasizing its commitment to maintaining law and order.