In a historic announcement, Prime Minister Narendra Modi awarded the prestigious Bharat Ratna to veteran BJP leader LK Advani, marking a significant milestone in the party’s journey. Reacting to the news, BRS leader K Kavitha acknowledged the completion of the BJP’s agenda, citing the successful construction of the Ram Temple and now the Bharat Ratna recognition for Advani.
Kavitha expressed her congratulations, stating, “This is good that the Ram temple was also built, and Lal Krishna Advani has been conferred Bharat Ratna. BJP’s agenda seems to be being completed.” She further emphasized the role of Advani in shaping the party’s foundation and contribution to its current position.
However, Congress leader Sandeep Dikshit highlighted the delayed recognition of Advani by the BJP, acknowledging his significant role in shaping the party’s identity. Dikshit wished Advani well, despite expressing dissatisfaction with the treatment he received from the party.
BJP leaders, including Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi and Nitin Gadkari, lauded Advani’s contributions, emphasizing his role in promoting cultural nationalism and nation-building. Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath and Himanta Biswa Sarma also commended Advani’s decades of service, commitment to national integrity, and his inspiring journey from humble origins.
The awarding of Bharat Ratna to LK Advani is seen as a proud moment for the entire nation, honoring his remarkable political career and contributions to India’s growth.