In a momentous announcement today, Prime Minister Narendra Modi revealed that Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) veteran Lal Krishna Advani will be honored with the prestigious Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian award. Prime Minister Modi, expressing his elation, termed it an “emotional moment” and emphasized Advani’s monumental contributions to the development of the nation.
A respected statesman of our times, Advani has an illustrious political career, having served as the Deputy Prime Minister in the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government and heading various ministries. His parliamentary interventions were hailed by PM Modi as exemplary and full of rich insights, showcasing his commitment to transparency and integrity in public life.
Prime Minister Modi commended Advani for setting “an exemplary standard” in political ethics and acknowledged his decades-long service marked by an unwavering commitment to national unity and cultural resurgence. The conferral of Bharat Ratna upon Advani, according to PM Modi, is a deeply emotional moment, and he expressed gratitude for the numerous opportunities to interact and learn from the stalwart leader.
This announcement follows the recent posthumous conferral of Bharat Ratna upon former Bihar Chief Minister Karpoori Thakur, underscoring the government’s commitment to recognizing exemplary contributions to the nation’s progress.