In a groundbreaking debut, “Percy Jackson and the Olympians,” the adaptation of Rick Riordan’s beloved novels, has soared to exceptional heights, becoming one of the top five most-watched season premieres of 2023 on Disney+ and Hulu. With an astounding 13.3 million views within the first six days of its release, this series has captivated audiences globally.
Surpassing expectations, the show’s premiere episode shattered records on Disney Branded Television, establishing itself as the most-watched premiere in the network’s history. Drawing acclaim from critics and viewers alike, the series, geared toward middle graders, has defied norms by engaging a broader audience base, transcending the barriers of age demographics.
Created by the visionary collaboration of Rick Riordan and Jonathan E. Steinberg, the show boasts a stellar ensemble of creative minds, including Steinberg, Dan Shotz, and a talented team dedicated to bringing Riordan’s world to life.
“Percy Jackson and the Olympians” airs its first two episodes on Disney+ since December 19, promising weekly episodes every Tuesday. The overwhelming response reaffirms the series’ monumental success and underscores its profound impact on viewers of all ages.