The White House introduces its pioneering Ocean Justice Strategy at COP28, a testament to the Biden Administration’s unwavering commitment to environmental equity. Crafted through extensive public input and Tribal consultations, the strategy underscores indigenous communities’ pivotal role as stewards of marine habitats.
“The ocean is a life source for us all,” remarked Brenda Mallory, Chair of the White House Council for Environmental Quality, emphasizing the need to address historic injustices impacting communities facing climate change’s brunt.
This visionary strategy, a culmination of diverse inputs, aims to rectify historical inequities, encompassing marginalized groups and amplifying voices often sidelined in environmental discourse. With a comprehensive framework spanning federal to local levels, it mirrors President Biden’s resolve to combat the climate crisis inclusively.
“The strategy sets our values as the climate changes,” affirmed Arati Prabhakar, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology, aligning with the administration’s vision for all Americans.
Beth Lowell, VP for the U.S. at Oceana, commended the administration’s dedication to amplifying vulnerable communities’ voices and its far-reaching implications across critical ocean-related sectors.