In a heart-wrenching incident that unfolded in Jammu and Kashmir’s Anantnag district, three brave and dedicated officers laid down their lives in the line of duty during a fierce encounter with terrorists. The nation mourns the loss of these valiant souls: Colonel Manpreet Singh, Major Aashish Dhonchak, and Deputy Superintendent of Police Himanyun Muzamil Bhat.
Colonel Manpreet Singh, a decorated officer, served as the commanding officer of the 19 Rashtriya Rifles (19 RR) unit, a vital component of the Indian Army’s counter-insurgency force in the region. His exemplary service earned him the prestigious Sena Medal (SM), a testament to his unwavering commitment to safeguarding our nation.
Major Aashish Dhonchak and Deputy Superintendent of Police Himanyun Muzamil Bhat displayed immense courage and dedication to their duty, serving as pillars of strength in the face of adversity.
This tragic incident underscores the sacrifices made by our brave security forces in the ongoing fight against terrorism. The nation stands united in grief, extending heartfelt condolences to the families of these heroes.
We salute the unwavering commitment of Colonel Manpreet Singh, Major Aashish Dhonchak, and Deputy Superintendent of Police Himanyun Muzamil Bhat, who laid down their lives to protect our motherland. Their sacrifice will be remembered with reverence and gratitude.